225 items found for ""
- Margaret Holben Ellis
fd4998b3-d74f-4b3a-962d-c837e0122e1c Margaret Holben Ellis Eugene Thaw Professor Emerita Institute of Fine Arts New York University New York, NY, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Professor Ellis teaches the conservation treatment of prints and drawings and technical connoisseurship for art historians. She served as founding Director of the Thaw Conservation Center at the Morgan Library & Museum until January 2017. She is a Fellow and current President of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC), a Fellow of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC), a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome, and an Accredited Conservator/Restorer of the Institute of Conservation (ICON). She was Editor for Philosophical and Historical Issues in the Conservation of Works of Art on Paper (2014; Getty Conservation Institute); the 2nd edition of her book, The Care of Prints and Drawings appeared in 2017. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Organizer Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM 2018 Organizer Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
- Sue Ann Chui
240fc157-447b-47da-be3e-6f87d4149a64 Sue Ann Chui Associate Conservator J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles, CA, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION At the Getty since 2005, Sue Ann Chui is a specialist in the conservation of panel paintings. Her areas of interest include Italian painting to 1600, wood technology, gilding, and X-radiography. She has presented and published on the materials and techniques of artists such as Taddeo Gaddi, Andrea del Sarto, and those from Leonardo da Vinci’s workshop. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2018 Steering Committee Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
- Clara Granzotto
14c23f1e-09a7-4598-97db-6e56b70e39c1 Clara Granzotto Associate Conservation Scientist Scientific Research, Department of Conservation and Science The Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Clara Granzotto is associate conservation scientist in the Conservation and Science department at the Art Institute of Chicago. She received her Ph.D. in chemical sciences from the University of Venice, Italy, and the University of Lille, France. Clara conducted post-doctoral research at the Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts at Northwestern University in Evanston (IL), at the scientific department of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She specializes in the analysis of traditional binding media in works of art by mass spectrometry, with a focus on polysaccharides and proteins, to understand artists’ technique, artworks appearance and condition. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2023 Team Presenter Big Data from Tiny Samples: unveiling the use of organic materials in the Visconti-Sforza Co-authored with Frank Trujillo. Read the Abstract. Explore Full Abstract ABM 2021 Team Presenter Accretion, accumulation, encrustation? Reconciling scientific and curatorial perspectives when reporting on surface materials on African sculptures Explore Full Abstract ABM 2018 Participant Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
- Ivory
Similar to bone, ivory or dentin is comprised of a mineralized collagen matrix. Composition Conservation Historical Use Case Studies Ivory Similar to bone, ivory or dentin is comprised of a mineralized collagen matrix. Previous Next Back to Materials Coming Soon We need you to develop new content for the ABM website. Please email or message in Slack if you are interested in building the ABM website. CITES Ivory Identification Guide This is the ivory ID bible. I use it every day in forensic casework. It's got a dichotomous key for determining species origin of ivory items seen in the trade. It's also been translated into Spanish (and some other languages I believe). Explore
- Anna Serotta
702ef7cf-5679-4c98-9e81-0a74b2298a60 Anna Serotta Associate Conservator Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Anna Serotta is an objects conservator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art where she is primarily responsible for the conservation of the Egyptian Art collection. Her research interests span a broad range of topics, including stone carving technology, technical imaging and the ethical care of human remains. Anna has worked as an archaeological field conservator on sites in Turkey, Greece, Italy and Egypt, including at The Met’s excavation at Dahshur. She is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome as well as a guest lecturer at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Participant Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
- Alba Alvarez
cdfd15dc-34be-4e01-9485-ccd16da4d084 Alba Alvarez Postdoctoral Fellow Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Antwerp Antwerp, Belgium Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Alba Alvarez is currently a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Antwerp and the Rijksmuseum. From 2017 to 2019, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute. She holds a M.Sc. in Conservation Science and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry. Her research is focused on optimizing mass spectrometry protocols for the analysis of organic materials, with special interest in preventive conservation. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Participant Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
- Jennifer Jae Gutierrez
2e72b910-f633-4833-b665-88242d1ff23d Jennifer Jae Gutierrez Executive Director Image Permanence Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Jennifer Jae Gutierrez is Executive Director of the Image Permanence Institute, a preservation research laboratory at Rochester Institute of Technology. She has a M.S. in Art Conservation from the University of Delaware specializing in photograph conservation and has published on photographic preservation, photographer’s work processes, and conservation education. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2018 Participant Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
- Erma Hermens
5f67ee22-ed4e-42d7-8d35-e4b79bedf473 Erma Hermens Professor in Studio Practice and Technical Art History Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Erma Hermens is the Rijksmuseum Professor in studio practice and technical art history at the University of Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum, Department of Conservation of Science, where she works with interdisciplinary teams, liaising between curators, conservators and scientists, combining art historical and contextual research of objects, their composite materials, and methods of making, with scientific analytical data. She is from March 2021-March 22, Visiting Porfessor at the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities, Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice. Present projects CT-scanning for Art: from Images to Patterns (IMPACT4Art); Imaging, Identification and interpretation of Glass in Paint (I3Glassp); Down to the Ground: Colored grounds in Netherlandish 16th and 17th-century painting. She is presently writing a review report of the field of Technical Art History commissioned by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Steering Committee Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS
24040f3a-b84f-43e2-8d33-9a26f1df329a RESOURCES Glossaries + Databases Glossaries + Databases Reference Materials Reference Materials Scientific Resources Scientific Resources Videos + Lectures Videos + Lectures Journals + Publications Journals + Publications Coming Soon Explore glossaries and literature databases related to art, cultural history, scientific analysis, and art conservation. GLOSSARIES + DATABASES AATA Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA): research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. Explore Videos + Lectures ABM 2018 Glossary Art Bio Matters (ABM) 2018 Glossary: a short glossary of scientific analysis terms from the 2018 ABM conference. Explore Videos + Lectures AIC Wiki American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Wiki: compendia of working knowledge on materials and techniques used to preserve and treat works of art and historic artifacts, preventive care, research and analysis, work practices, and education. Explore Videos + Lectures AICCM Visual Glossary Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) Visual Glossary: identify damage and deterioration by comparing it to glossary image and description. Explore Videos + Lectures BCIN Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN): bibliographic resource for the conservation, preservation and restoration of cultural property. Explore Videos + Lectures BHA/RILA Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) / Répertoire international de la littérature de l'art (RILA): European and American visual arts material including articles from over 1,200 journals. Explore Videos + Lectures CAMEO Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO): a database that compiles, defines, and disseminates technical information on the distinct collection of terms, materials, and techniques used in the fields of art conservation and historic preservation. Explore Videos + Lectures CCI Notes Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Notes: practical advice about issues and questions related to the care, handling and storage of cultural objects. Explore Videos + Lectures Genbank GenBank ® is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences (Nucleic Acids Research, 2013 Jan;41(D1):D36-42). GenBank is part of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, which comprises the DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ), the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), and GenBank at NCBI. These three organizations exchange data on a daily basis. This database is paywalled, so we recommend collaboration with colleagues to access it. Explore Videos + Lectures Getty Research Portal Getty Research Portal: multilingual and multicultural art historical text catalog of complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields. Explore Videos + Lectures Getty Vocabularies Getty Vocabularies: structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts, archival materials, visual surrogates, art conservation, and bibliographic materials. Explore Videos + Lectures Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History: the story of art and global culture through The Met collection. Explore Videos + Lectures MoMA Learning Glossary of Art Terms MoMA Learning Glossary of Art Terms: glossary explaining techniques, mediums, art movements, and other terms in the MoMA collection. Explore Videos + Lectures NGA Glossary of Instrumental Methods National Gallery of Art (NGA) Glossary of Instrumental Methods: glossary of chromatography, spectroscopy, and microscopy analytical techniques. Explore Videos + Lectures Painting Conservation Glossary Of Terms Smithsonian: Museum Conservation Institute Painting Conservation Glossary of Terms Explore Videos + Lectures Tropicos The Tropicos botanical data database links over 1.38M scientific names with over 6.96M specimens and over 1.78M digital images. The data include over 167K references from over 55.3K publications offered as a free service to the world’s scientific community. Explore Videos + Lectures
- Laura Allen
41dbb70e-1ab8-45b0-a037-525495f1dc15 Laura Allen Curator of Native American Art Montclaire Art Museum Montclair, NJ, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Laura J. Allen is an interdisciplinary scholar and the Curator of Native American Art at the Montclair Art Museum. She holds a B.S. in Biology from Bates College and an M.A. in Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture from Bard Graduate Center. Her research focuses on Northwest Coast Native material culture, particularly dress and textiles. She has supported the American Museum of Natural History, the University of Alaska Museum of the North, and other organizations in both cultural and scientific projects. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Participant Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS