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Explore glossaries and literature databases related to art, cultural history, scientific analysis, and art conservation.


Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA): research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.


Art Bio Matters (ABM) 2018 Glossary: a short glossary of scientific analysis terms from the 2018 ABM conference.


American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Wiki: compendia of working knowledge on materials and techniques used to preserve and treat works of art and historic artifacts, preventive care, research and analysis, work practices, and education.


Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) Visual Glossary: identify damage and deterioration by comparing it to glossary image and description.


Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN): bibliographic resource for the conservation, preservation and restoration of cultural property.


Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) / Répertoire international de la littérature de l'art (RILA): European and American visual arts material including articles from over 1,200 journals.


Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO): a database that compiles, defines, and disseminates technical information on the distinct collection of terms, materials, and techniques used in the fields of art conservation and historic preservation.


Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Notes: practical advice about issues and questions related to the care, handling and storage of cultural objects.


GenBank ® is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences (Nucleic Acids Research, 2013 Jan;41(D1):D36-42). GenBank is part of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, which comprises the DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ), the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), and GenBank at NCBI. These three organizations exchange data on a daily basis. This database is paywalled, so we recommend collaboration with colleagues to access it.


Getty Research Portal: multilingual and multicultural art historical text catalog of complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields.


Getty Vocabularies: structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts, archival materials, visual surrogates, art conservation, and bibliographic materials.


Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History: the story of art and global culture through The Met collection.


MoMA Learning Glossary of Art Terms: glossary explaining techniques, mediums, art movements, and other terms in the MoMA collection.


National Gallery of Art (NGA) Glossary of Instrumental Methods: glossary of chromatography, spectroscopy, and microscopy analytical techniques.


Smithsonian: Museum Conservation Institute Painting Conservation Glossary of Terms


The Tropicos botanical data database links over 1.38M scientific names with over 6.96M specimens and over 1.78M digital images. The data include over 167K references from over 55.3K publications offered as a free service to the world’s scientific community.

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