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  • Patricia Marroquin Norby

    Patricia Marroquin Norby Associate Curator of Native American Art The American Wing The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Patricia Marroquin Norby (Purépecha) oversees the American Wing’s Native American art collection. An award-winning scholar and museum leader, she previously served as Senior Executive and Assistant Director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian-New York and as Director of the D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies at the Newberry in Chicago. Her forthcoming book, Water, Bones, and Bombs examines 20th-century American Indian art and environmental disputes in northern New Mexico. She co-edited “Aesthetic Violence: Art and Indigenous Ways of Knowing,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal (2015). She earned her PhD at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Invited Speaker Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Rachel Mustalish

    Rachel Mustalish Conservator Sherman Fairchild Center for Works on Paper and Photographic Conservation The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Rachel Mustalish received an M.A. in the History of Art and an Advanced Certificate in Conservation from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She joined the paper conservation department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1998 and studies drawings and prints with specializations in European and American modernism, and international contemporary art. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2023 Participant Art Bio Matters 2023 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM 2018 Participant Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Cynthia Schwarz

    Cynthia Schwarz Associate Conservator of Paintings Yale University Art Gallery New Haven, CT, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION As a painting conservator, Cindy Schwarz focuses on the treatment of modern and contemporary paintings. She also co-teaches the course Art and Biomolecular Recognition and collaborates on the development of gecko-inspired micropillar structures for the cleaning of works of art. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2018 Participant Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Billie Males

    Billie Males MPhil Student Department of Archaeology University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Billie Males is a MPhil student at the University of Cambridge. Her current research uses proteomics to investigate the materiality of medieval parchment manuscripts. While studying at the University of Chicago, she collaborated with the Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts (NU/AIC) to characterize pigments using spectral microscopy and other analytical techniques. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Poster Presenter Counting Sheep: Proteomic Analysis (eZooMS) of Legal Documents from Medieval East Anglia Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS


    COMMUNITY Projects Projects Publications Member Events Members Publications PUBLICATIONS A non-exhaustive list of publications from ABM members related to their research and collaborations. If you have a publication to post, please email . Blues from Tikuna/Magüta Masks and a Still Unknown Blue Colorant in Technical Art History and Conservation Science Thiago Sevilhano Puglieri [1,2] , Laura Maccarelli [3] Literature from the Tikuna/Magüta culture, from the Amazon Forest, suggests the use of chemical reactions between the juice of the naīcü fruit and iron to produce a blue colorant still unknown among technical art historians and conservation scientists. Explore Paleoproteomic identificationof the species used in fourteenthcentury gut‑skin garmentsfrom the archaeological siteof Nuulliit, Greenland Annamaria Cucina 1,2*, Anne Lisbeth Schmidt 3*, Fabiana Di Gianvincenzo 4,5*,Meaghan Mackie 4,6 , Carla Dove 7 , Aviâja Rosing Jakobsen 8 , Bjarne Grønnow 9 ,Martin Appelt 9 & Enrico Cappellini 4 Until recently, the identification of the species of origin for skin and fur materials used in theproduction of archaeological clothing has been based on the analysis of macro‑ and microscopicmorphological features and on the traditional knowledge of Indigenous groups. This approach,however, is not always applicable due to the deterioration of the archaeological objects.Paleoproteomics was used as an alternative approach to identify the species of origin of fifteensamples of various tissues from approximately 600‑year‑old garments found in Nuulliit, northernGreenland. Proteomics revealed that a limited group of marine and terrestrial mammals were usedfor clothing production. The results obtained from the analysis of multiple types of clothing andelements, such as sinew thread and gut skin, suggest that their applications were based on theirproperties. When conclusive assignment of a sample to a species via proteomics was not possible, theobservation by transmitted light microscopy of feather and hair micromorphology, if not affected bydiagenesis, was used to improve the identification. The proteomic characterization of animal materialsused for clothing production in the Nuulliit archaeological context provides an insight into thepractical knowledge and the strategies adopted by the local Indigenous community to exploit naturalresources Explore Unraveling a Historical Mystery: Identification of a Lichen Dye Source in a Fifteenth Century Medieval Tapestry Rachel M. Lackner [1], Solenn Ferron [2], Joël Boustie [2], Françoise Le Devehat [2], H. Thorsten Lumbsch [3], and Nobuko Shibayama [1] As part of a long-term campaign to document, study, and conserve the Heroes tapestries from The Cloisters collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, organic colorant analysis of Julius Caesar (accession number 47.101.3) was performed. Analysis with liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-qToF-MS) revealed the presence of several multiply chlorinated xanthones produced only by certain species of lichen. Various lichen dye sources have been documented in the literature for centuries and are classified as either ammonia fermentation method (AFM) or boiling water method (BWM) dyes based on their method of production. However, none of these known sources produce the distinctive metabolites present in the tapestry. LC-qToF-MS was also used to compare the chemical composition of the dyes in the tapestry with that of several species of crustose lichen. Lichen metabolites, including thiophanic acid and arthothelin, were definitively identified in the tapestry based on comparison with lichen xanthone standards and a reference of Lecanora sulphurata, confirming the presence of a lichen source. This finding marks the first time that lichen xanthones have been identified in a historic object and the first evidence that BWM lichen dyes may have been used prior to the eighteenth century. Explore Species identification of ivory and bone museum objects using minimally invasive proteomics Catherine Gilbert, Vaclav Krupicka, Francesca Galluzi, Aleksandra Popowich, Stéphane Claverol, Julie Arslanoglu, Caroline Tokarski Ivory is a highly prized material in many cultures since it can be carved into intricate designs and have a highly polished surface. Due to its popularity, the animals from which ivory can be sourced are under threat of extinction. Identification of ivory species is not only important for CITES compliance, it can also provide information about the context in which a work was created. Here, we have developed a minimally invasive workflow to remove minimal amounts of material from precious objects and, using high-resolution mass spectrometry–based proteomics, identified the taxonomy of ivory and bone objects from The Metropolitan Museum of Art collection dating from as early as 4000 B.C. We built a proteomic database of underrepresented species based on exemplars from the American Museum of Natural History, and proposed alternative data analysis workflows for samples containing inconsistently preserved organic material. This application demonstrates extensive ivory species identification using proteomics to unlock sequence uncertainties, e.g., Leu/Ile discrimination. Explore Microbial fingerprints reveal interaction between museum objects, curators, and visitors Lukas M Simon [1], Cecilia Flocco [2], Franziska Burkart [2], Anika Methner [2], David Henke [3], Luise Rauer [4, 5 6], Christian L Müller [6], Johannes Vogel [7], Christiane Quaisser [7], Jörg Overmann 2, Stefan Simon [8] Microbial communities reside at the interface between humans and their environment. Whether the microbiome can be leveraged to gain information on human interaction with museum objects is unclear. To investigate this, we selected objects from the Museum für Naturkunde and the Pergamonmuseum in Berlin, Germany, varying in material and size. Using swabs, we collected 126 samples from natural and cultural heritage objects, which were analyzed through 16S rRNA sequencing. By comparing the microbial composition of touched and untouched objects, we identified a microbial signature associated with human skin microbes. Applying this signature to cultural heritage objects, we identified areas with varying degrees of exposure to human contact on the Ishtar gate and Sam'al gate lions. Furthermore, we differentiated objects touched by two different individuals. Our findings demonstrate that the microbiome of museum objects provides insights into the level of human contact, crucial for conservation, heritage science, and potentially provenance research. Explore The Inside (and Outside) Scoop: Scientific Analysis of Food Residues Inside the Jars from Old Edgefield, South Carolina Adriana Rizzo The exceptional and exciting occurrence of organic food residues inside large nineteenth century alkaline-glazed stoneware vessels from the Old Edgefield district, some also signed by enslaved potter and poet David Drake, has offered a unique opportunity to study those residues as anthropological evidence of the jars’ contents (e.g., preserved meat, fat, eggs, etc.), potentially offering information on the use of the jars and the lifestyle of the people that used them. Residues scraped from the jars’ surfaces were analyzed in the Department of Scientific Research of The Met to evaluate their composition, assess contaminations and clues to their condition (e.g., presence and extent of degradation products), all informing of the next process to further characterize the residue. Explore Cutting Through the Fat: Animal Species and Food Processing Techniques of Residues Found in Nineteenth-Century Edgefield Pottery Julie Arslanoglu As part of the exhibition, Hear Me Now: The Black Potters of Old Edgefield, South Carolina, The Met’s Department of Scientific Research (DSR) investigated organic food residues found inside large nineteenth-century alkaline-glazed stoneware vessels from the Old Edgefield District, South Carolina. “Examining Storage Jars from the American South” describes the driving questions about the jars’ use and the users’ lifestyle. Investigations reported in “The Inside (and Outside) Scoop: Scientific Analysis of Food Residues Inside the Jars from Old Edgefield, South Carolina” established that the heterogeneous residues are mostly oily materials with solid materials of various unknown origins. We hoped to gain more information about the jars’ contents from these residues, but to do so we need the sophisticated tools and expertise of our collaborators through ARCHE. Explore Hydrogen‑deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to study interactions and conformational changes of proteins in paints Francesca Galluzzi, Stéphane Chaignepain, Julie Arslanoglu, Caroline Tokarski Little is known about structural alterations of proteins within the polymeric films of paints. For the first time, hydrogen‑deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) was implemented to explore the conformational alterations of proteins resulting from their interaction with inorganic pigments within the early stages of the paint film formation. Intact protein analysis and bottom-up electrospray-ionisation mass spectrometry strategies combined with progressively increasing deuterium incubation times were used to compare the protein structures of the model protein hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) extracted from newly dried non-pigmented films and newly dried films made from a freshly made mixture of HEWL with lead white pigment (2PbCO3 Pb(OH)2). The action of other pigments was also investigated, expanding the HDX study with a global approach to paint models of HEWL mixed with zinc white (ZnO), cinnabar (HgS) and red lead (Pb3O4) pigments. The results show structural modifications of HEWL induced by the interaction with the pigment metal ions during the paint formulation after drying and prior to ageing. Both the charge distribution of HEWL proteoforms, its oxidation rate and its deuterium absorption rate, were influenced by the pigment type, providing the first insights into the correlation of pigment type/metal cation to specific chemistries related to protein stability. Explore So you want to do biocodicology? A field guide to the biological analysis of parchment Sarah Fiddyment, Matthew D. Teasdale, Jiří Vnouček, Élodie Lévêque, Annelise Binois & Matthew J. Collins Biocodicology, the study of the biological information stored in manuscripts, ofers the possibility of interrogating manuscripts in novel ways. Exploring the biological data associated to parchment documents will add a deeper level of understanding and interpretation to these invaluable objects, revealing information about book production, livestock economies, handling, conservation and the historic use of the object. As biotechnological methods continue to improve we hope that biocodicology will become a highly relevant discipline in manuscript studies, contributing an additional perspective to the current scholarship. We hope that this review will act as a catalyst enabling further interactions between the heritage science community, manuscript scholars, curators and conservators. Explore

  • Ophélie Ranquet

    Ophélie Ranquet PhD Student Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics Applied Mechanics Group Karlsruhe, Germany Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Ophélie Ranquet is a PhD Student at the KIT in Germany, at the Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics. She completed her studies in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in France at the ENSCL (École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille) and at the ECPM (University of Strasbourg). Her PhD project, focused on a multi-analytical approach, is held in collaboration with Ilaria Bonaduce and Celia Duce (University of Pisa), Norbert Willenbacher (KIT) and Patrick Dietemann (Doerner Institute). She investigates the role of addition of egg yolk in linseed oil-based paints and tempera paints by using tools and technologies from different fields: rheology, physical and analytical chemistry. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Team Presenter From egg tempera to oil painting – case studies of Domenico Ghirlandaio and Sandro Botticelli and the chemistry and microstructure of paints Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Fran Ritchie

    Fran Ritchie Conservator Harper's Ferry Center National Park Service Harpers Ferry, WV 25425, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Fran Ritchie is a conservator of objects at the Harpers Ferry Center of the National Park Service, a center that supports the preservation and conservation of park collections across all units. With a background working on organic materials in museums, Fran enjoys immersing herself in the natural world – while learning about and treating “dead stuff,” as well as observing living ecosystems. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Participant Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Daniel Vallejo

    Daniel Vallejo Postdoctoral fellow Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Daniel Vallejo is a postdoctoral fellow in Facundo Fernández’s group at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His interest is to apply his Ph.D. training in structural biology and ion mobility-mass spectrometry methodology development towards the structural and biophysical stability characterization of proteins found in paintings and to develop a community driven database for proteomic analysis of objects of cultural heritage. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Participant Art Bio Matters 2021 Virtual Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Tami Lasseter Clare

    Tami Lasseter Clare Associate Professor Portland State University Portland, OR, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Tami Lasseter Clare is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Portland State University where she teaches a range of undergraduate and graduate courses and is the Director of the Pacific Northwest Conservation Science Consortium, in partnership with five major museums in the region. With her undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral trainees, her research efforts center on developing new materials and diagnostic tools to prevent and understand the degradation of material cultural heritage, such as artwork and ethnographic materials. Her prior work experience includes post-doctoral work at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and as an instructor at the University of Pennsylvania in the Historic Preservation program. She earned her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2005. ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2021 Team Presenter The Chilkat Dye Project Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

  • Jean Evans

    Jean Evans Chief Curator and Deputy Director; Research Associate Oriental Institute Museum University of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA Previous Next All members MEMBER INFORMATION Dr. Jean M. Evans, now at the Oriental Institute, was a member of the curatorial staff at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1999–2008. Her research focuses on the religious material culture of Mesopotamia during the third millennium BC, and she is the author of The Lives of Sumerian Sculpture: An Archaeology of the Early Dynastic Temple (Cambridge University Press, 2012). ABM CONFERENCES ABM 2018 Participant Art Bio Matters 2018 Conference Explore Full Abstract ABM MEMBER EVENTS PUBLICATIONS + PROJECTS

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