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Rosie Grayburn

Associate Scientist and Laboratory Manager
Department of Conservation,
Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library


Winterthur, USA


Rosie Grayburn (she/her) holds a dual appointment as Associate Scientist and Manager for the Scientific Research and Analytical lab at Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library, and Affiliated Associate Professor in the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, where she teaches conservation science and analytical methodologies to graduate fellows in art conservation. Her current research projects skew inorganic: from an investigation into toxic pigmented bookcloth, to the optimization and study of treatments for silver and silverplate. She was previously a postdoctoral fellow in Conservation Science at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles, and holds a joint PhD in Physics and Analytical Chemistry from Universiteit Gent and the University of Warwick.

Overlooked Organics in Decorative Arts: Cataloging Skin-Based, Skeletal, and Hard Keratinous Animal Tissues

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