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Vaclav Krupicka

PhD Student
University of Bordeaux


Bordeaux, France


Vaclav completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at University of Warwick as part of integrated masters course, MChem. He performed his master thesis research on ultra-high mass resolution mass spectrometry group. The master thesis was concentrated around optimising fragmentation techniques for carbonic anhydrase using a 12T FT-ICR Mass Spectrometer. Vaclav joined the S2MB (Mass Spectrometry of Biological Macromolecules) team of the UMR CNRS 5248 Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes & Nano-objects to complete his PhD studies under supervision of prof. Caroline Tokarski. Under the grant from CNRS Vaclav will work as the part of the ARCHE lab to study the applications of Top-down mass spectrometry in study of ancient proteins from cultural heritage samples. 

Unleashing top-down mass spectrometry in study of proteinaceous materials in museum objects: Method development using paint models

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